AI Summarization Experiments: From Paul Graham to Personalized Advice

2 min readour-story


The Experiment

  • Loaded Paul Graham's essays into AudioWave (3 million characters, ~750,000 tokens)
  • Used AI to summarize and generate personalized advice
  • Compared AI impersonations of Paul Graham and Peter Levels
  • Created a chat feature for Peter Levels' "12 startups in 12 months" posts

Key Findings

  • Most LLMs struggle with long content due to token limits.
  • Gemini 1.5 Pro with 2M token context window performed the best.
  • GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet have context windows of 250K and 300K respectively. This required splitting the content and summarizing each chunk. Then a summary of summaries was generated.
  • Personalized advice from AI was surprisingly relevant
  • AI impersonations of different entrepreneurs yielded similar advice, likely due to them already having the data in the training and perhaps due to generic advice seeming the "most correct".
  • Cost was about $7 for close to the ~1M tokens on Gemini and similar cost for the LLM APIs.

Future Explorations

  • Improved prompt engineering
  • Retrieval augmentation (RAG)
  • Fine-tuning models
  • On device models like ChromeAI, Gemini Nano, Apple Intelligence, etc (main issue is small context window)
  • Format length consideration 5min, 10min, 30min, 60min, 90min summaries. Concise writing like Paul Graham's essay might mean a lot of relevant information is lost when doing a 5min summary based on over 60hrs of content.
  • Compare to human summaries like this one.

Interested in collaborating or have ideas? Let's chat!

P.S. Check the video for more details.

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